
Build hidden sidebars into your project for navigation, shopping carts, and more.


Scrolling the <body> element is disabled when an offcanvas and its backdrop are visible. Use the scroll prop to toggle <body> scrolling and the backdrop prop to toggle the backdrop.

'use client';
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import Button from 'react-bootstrap/Button';
import Offcanvas from 'react-bootstrap/Offcanvas';

const options = [
    name: 'Enable backdrop (default)',
    scroll: false,
    backdrop: true,
    name: 'Disable backdrop',
    scroll: false,
    backdrop: false,
    name: 'Enable body scrolling',
    scroll: true,
    backdrop: false,
    name: 'Enable both scrolling & backdrop',
    scroll: true,
    backdrop: true,

const OffCanvasItem = ({ name, ...props }) => {
  const [show, setShow] = useState(false);

  const handleClose = () => setShow(false);
  const toggleShow = () => setShow(prevShow => !prevShow);

  return (
      <Button variant="primary" onClick={toggleShow} className="me-2">
      <Offcanvas show={show} onHide={handleClose} {...props}>
        <Offcanvas.Header closeButton>
          Some text as placeholder. In real life you can have the elements you
          have chosen. Like, text, images, lists, etc.

const OffCanvasExample = () => {
  return (
      {, idx) => (
        <OffCanvasItem key={idx} {...props} />

export default OffCanvasExample;


Offcanvas supports a few different placements: start, end, top, bottom

'use client';
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import Button from 'react-bootstrap/Button';
import Offcanvas from 'react-bootstrap/Offcanvas';

function OffCanvasItem({ name, ...props }) {
  const [show, setShow] = useState(false);

  const handleClose = () => setShow(false);
  const handleShow = () => setShow(true);

  return (
      <Button variant="primary" onClick={handleShow} className="me-2">
        Toggle {name} offcanvas
      <Offcanvas show={show} onHide={handleClose} {...props}>
        <Offcanvas.Header closeButton>
          Some text as placeholder. In real life you can have the elements you
          have chosen. Like, text, images, lists, etc.

function OffCanvasPlacementExample() {
  const placements = ['start', 'end', 'top', 'bottom'];

  return (
      {, idx) => (
        <OffCanvasItem key={idx} placement={placement} name={placement} />

export default OffCanvasPlacementExample;